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User Role Descriptions & Adding a User

There are two different user roles in Critical Alarm Automation. Each role has a different level of access to the system.

User Roles


Administrators have access to the entire system, including Account Setup. They have the ability to view all critical alarm work orders in the system. They can also create new critical alarms and edit existing alarm templates. They have access to all reports and can search for critical alarms using the Search or Advanced Search options. You can have multiple administrators in your account.


Technicians have access to all of the system, except for Account Setup. They have the ability to view all critical alarm work orders in the system. They can also create new critical alarms and edit existing alarm templates. They have access to all reports and can search for critical alarms using the Search or Advanced Search options.

How to Add Users

  • Click on the Account Setup tab.
  • Hover your mouse over the Shortcuts menu and select CAA Users.
  • Click the Add New Item link above the right side of your users list.
  • If you have users in other Dude Solutions applications, you will be directed to a Registered Users page. The Registered Users drop down list will show all users in other Dude Solutions applications that are not users in Critical Alarm Automation. If the person you wish to add is in that list, select their name and click Add This User.
  • If the person is not in the list, click the New User button.

Adding Registered Users

  • After clicking the Add This User button, you will need to select the Role for this user.
  • Click Next Step to continue.
  • On the Add/Update User screen, the user's login name, password, and contact information will automatically be pulled over from the information in their other Dude Solutions account. The rest of the fields on this page are not required and information can be added to them at any time. Click Save to continue.

Adding New Users

  • After clicking the New User button, you will need to select the Role for this user.
  • Click Next Step to continue.
  • On the Add/Update User screen, you will need to enter a Login Name, Password, First and Last Name, and Email Address for the user account. Please make note of a few items when establishing a new user:

Login Name - No character limit, but the name must be unique to all of our Dude Solutions clients. We recommend using the person's email address as their Login Name.

Password - Must be at least 8 characters and include at least one number.

Email Address - Enter a valid email address for the user.

  • Click Save.